We’ve Just Bought 1000 Electroneum – Is Now The Time To Buy?
Hello everyone, We’ve Just Bought 1000 Electroneum! Unfortunately NOT soon enough but anyway today we will be talking about a possible NEW opportunity that may be exactly what your crypto investment portfolios have been missing.
We have noticed a coin with great potential and if you want an amazing chance to make some big money this might just be the one. Put it this way – as of now you can still buy this at $0.01 a coin but my god this is something that actually really bugs me.
This Thursday I first took notice of Electroneum and I thought “You know what I can buy 1000 of these for very cheap”. I recently bought a 1000 LiteCash for just under $10 USD and I thought wow I could buy 1000 of these (Electroneum) for under $5.
Really I wish I did but honestly, I put it off. I looked again and they were up to $0.006 from $0.004 and I guess I didn’t really expect it to change too much after this. So, Friday I actually decided I would buy my 1000 coins with my credit card.
I thought I’d buy this and some Pirate Chain but ‘damn it Coinbase’ – Credit Card Declined!
So I slept on it. I got to work with some writing on one of my other websites the next day, and I thought OK I will just have to use my other savings. I checked Trade Ogre though just before and OMG – I could not believe it the price had more than doubled overnight!
From Thursday it had gone from 0.004 USD a coin to 0.012 USD a coin. I think it went down as well at some point because I see on TradeOgre there was a 330% change in value in 24 hours. Someone on Reddit said it was 2000% it had multiplied by.
Still, I went for it and bought myself 1000 coins for just under $10. I could have bought 2500 if I acted sooner but to be honest, I was just happy to finally buy some, and here is why…
What I Learned About Electroneum

So, on Thursday when this coin first caught my eye. I actually did a bit of research to see what it was all about. After seeing the price at basically 2/5 of $0.01 USD I thought I would see what this very low valued CryptoCurrency was all about.
So I searched on Google and found the Electroneum website which instantly got me very excited.
I am not really a long term Crypto expert. I have only really been investing now for about 2 months. Since the inception of this website basically but I did know that each different Crypto is designed for its own purpose.
For example, there is staking coins, stable coins, token coins and of course privacy coins (plus others) which are all unique in one way or another.
Except this really caught my eye as I see that it can be exchanged for actual physical and digital goods.
Including; companies such as UK Supermarket Asda, and Mobile Phone networks 3, Giff Gaff and Lebara.
Plus ETN also has 2 other very interesting partners;
1.) Anytask.com where you can freelance to earn Electroneum. As seen on TV!
2.) LockTrip.com. Which you can use your ETN to pay for flights and hotels with.
Also, If you visit the website it does seem to be a very exciting project. As of now, it is already pretty cool as you can use it to pay for your phone credit, shopping (if you live in the UK) and it can also help pay for you to go travelling.
It’s kind of limited to these things now but you can be sure that as they partner up with more companies they will only get more and more popular. The fact you can earn ETN from Freelancing is pretty cool as well and it can all be done simply by using the ETN mobile App. Available on both Google Play and Apple App Store.
What Is The Investment Potential for ETN
Personally, I think that once Electroneum is added to the major exchanges. Including Coinbase, Binance, Gemini and Crypto.com it will just go up and up. At the time of writing this, you can still buy 1000 Electroneum for under $10 USD. It is not totally inconceivable that will go up to $10 a coin. Of course, it could go completely south on the flip side of this but I personally would highly doubt it.
It’s basically as simple as this if your 1k coins go up to $1 each that is $1k back on $10. I would guess that $2 is reasonable even $5 a coin. Beyond that, I’m not really sure although I do think that looking at what has happened with Bitcoin, Ethereum and even Litecoin. There is so much more to come from Electroneum (ETN).
I actually read that ETN is the fastest-growing currency since Bitcoin. I am kind of shocked how cheap it is still.
Does Electroneum Have a Future?
This is an excellent question. Electroneum started life in 2017 and its history has been very eventful to say the very least. For a while, its best quality was you could mine it through the ETN cloud miner app but it really has come so far since then. It has joined a few big exchanges already and has very ambitious plans to join the likes of Coinbase and Binance.
Its surge in popularity could very well be key to how well it performs. It is already looking to add partners to its app for other valuable goods such as building supplies, food and retail vouchers. 190 countries worldwide have joined the Electroneum network. The Electroneum app has been downloaded by almost 3 million people.
Again I think it’s very exciting. The Anytask platform is being advertised through mainstream media. It could emerge as a serious alternative to Fiverr, Freelancer.com and SEOClerks. Also, the market cap is worth over 1 Billion.
I would say that ETN will rise in value is inevitable but the question is just by how much?
How To Buy Electroneum?
The main way to buy ETN is through the Electroneum App. If you are a smartphone user you can get this on both GooglePlay and Apple App Store. You can also earn ETN using this App in conjunction with AnyTask.com.
For desktop users like myself here is my method.
1.) Buy some Bitcoin BTC from Coinbase
2.) Login to TradeOgre
3.) Send your Bitcoin to TradeOgre
4.) Exchange your BTC for ETN.
In Conclusion – Why I Bought ETN
Honestly, I am not too pissed that I didn’t act that little bit sooner. I am happy overall with getting in at $0.01 a coin and getting my first 1k coins. Whether I will get more I’d probably rather just keep investing in other areas such as Pirate Chain, Monero, PRCY, Wownero and a small handful of others.
The big thing I think is that this seems to be a good opportunity to make some money and even possibly to go travelling.
The next step for me I think will be making an account with AnyTask.com and earn another 1-2 thousand coins. Will see how it goes. Although long term there is something about ETN that I will admit does not seem ethical to me and the Privacy Pirate XYZ project.
Quite simply this is that ETN is not a Privacy coin it is a fully regulated network and if you really did make $1000s back on your ETN you face the risk the same as every surveillance coin. If you were to make a lot of money chances are you could be taxed to high heaven.
For this reason, I don’t recommend ETN long term the same reason I don’t recommend Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin long term. If you make big on any of these coins then the taxman can track you down and demand a large chunk of your profits. Something that would never happen with Monero and Piratechain.
I am happy to invest though for now but obviously being that Privacy Pirate is mostly focused on Privacy Coins this is only a short term opportunity to make some decent profits. I have bought my 1st 1000 – hopefully, I can acquire some more through AnyTask.com and a few years down the line when it’s at $10 (hopefully) I will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Finally, any questions you have about ETN or feedback please leave them in the comments section.
Best Wishes;