Welcome to Privacy Pirate

Welcome To Privacy Pirate – Your No.1 Spot for Privacy Coins (Crypto Currencies)

Hello Guys, Welcome to Privacy Pirate.XYZ 

This is a new project dreamed up by me (Alex C) and my nephew (Jacob).  Our goal is to share regular blog posts about the future of CryptoCurrencies.  Which we are banking on to be Privacy Coins.  So say goodbye to BTC and ETH.

Through our eyes, the tides are changing.  As more Governments begin to call for the regulation of CryptoCurrencies more assets are at risk.  From at the very least taxation and at the very worst seizure!

They will take your money and Bitcoin and Ethereum are at the greatest risk.

Bitcoin Has a Regulation Problem (investopedia.com)
Government and industry push bitcoin regulation to fight ransomware (cnbc.com)

How much longer the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum have to keep growing is anyone’s guess.  At the time of writing this (June 2021), I think it is safe to say they are not done yet but here is their next biggest threat…

Privacy Coins.  Cryptocurrencies designed for the purpose of privacy and anonymity.

Proof of this is the rise of Monero.  A first-of-its-kind CryptoCurrency built on a Cryptography model to ensure that any transactions made are untraceable.  If you are looking for proof look at the rise of Monero in the past 5 Years.

Monero (XMR) on the rise as merchant adoption grows by 31% (crypto-news-flash.com)

Predicted price of Monero 2021 to 2028 - Welcome To Privacy Pirate

So, a lot of people will be looking to Monero in years to come.  The above bar chart is a sensible estimate for growth but realistically this may not be how things happen at all.  The rise could happen a lot quicker.  Indeed, there is only one drawback of Monero at the moment is that its stock is already rising so fast and in terms of investment this is why some newer coins might be a more attractive idea.

Take for instance Pirate Chain or Wownero.  Pirate Chain (as of June 2021) is around $5 a coin whilst WOW is even cheaper at around $0.04 a coin.  Imagine investing in either coin and the price going up to $25K  or even more.

Just look at Bitcoin in the very beginning this was valued at both $0.04 a coin at one stage and you could at $5 each.

And this is basically the concept of this website – let’s get rich together.

At Privacy Pirate we will share Crypto news, investment ideas, and a safe route to invest;  and all you need to do is follow our advice.

For now, this is to invest in our top 3 coins;

1# Monero
2# Pirate Chain
3# Wownero

Our goal is to help with little tips like this in every post.

As much as we love Bitcoin (it’s made a lot of us rich).  In fact, whilst writing this now it has gone back up to $40K almost $20K in just a few weeks.  I would personally say there is still time to make money on Bitcoin but how long does this mega currency have left?

The trouble is that Bitcoin is what is known as a surveillance coin.  It contains a public ledger that any government agency can access.

This is a ticking time bomb.  Once Crypto regulation comes in they will be coming for the owners of BTC and ETH first.

Exactly why privacy coins are the next best thing, and why I have set up this website.

This is not only a whole new concept to how we spend our money but also a great opportunity to invest.

If you really want to know how to relive the rise of BTC in 2010.  This is the next best thing – so, “be here or be square”

This is what people want and need.  Say Goodbye to Fiat Currency, Goodbye BTC, Goodbye to Ethereum, and let’s usher in the new generation.

So Welcome to Privacy Pirate

And let’s all get rich in the process.

Thanks to…

ARRR Pirate Chain

Monero XRM

Wownero WOW

and many other coins you can expect to hear about real soon.  Till then check out this video below;

About The Author

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